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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Binding to Data Created at Runtime

First, a class that represents an individual person should be declared.
The code below declares a class with the FirstName, LastName and Age public properties.
These properties will be data source fields.

class Person


private string _FirstName;

public string FirstName


get { return _FirstName; }

set { _FirstName = value; }


private string _LastName;

public string LastName


get { return _LastName; }

set { _LastName = value; }


private int _Age;

public int Age


get { return _Age; }

set { _Age = value; }


public Person(string firstName, string lastName, int age)


this.FirstName = firstName;

this.LastName = lastName;

this.Age = age;



Once the record class is declared, the data source object can be filled with records.
This example will use an ArrayList as the grid's data source. The code below fills a
List<Person> with records and assigns it to the DataGridView's DataGridView1.DataSource property.

List<Person> personList = new List<Person>();

personList.Add(new Person("Bill", "Gates", 55));

personList.Add(new Person("Joe", "Miller", 30));

personList.Add(new Person("Nataly", "Mix", 22));

this.dataGridView1.DataSource = personList;

After the above code has been executed, the DataGridView will look similar to the one displayed below.

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